A little about us and our products

In case anyone is wondering why we chose the name mi perfect imperfections, let me explain. “mi” is Spanish for “my”, it is also the initials of our first names (Mike & Irma). As for “perfect imperfections”, nothing we make is perfect as in completely flawless. We like stuff with character. If you want flawless, buy something that is built by machines in a factory. All our items are handmade in our small, one car garage. We have a table saw, miter saw, antique drill press, and several types of sanders. We don’t have room for a planer, jointer, band-saw or any other piece of equipment used in fine woodworking.
Most of the items we make are made from pine, unless otherwise specified. Additionally, we put a slight burn on the wood to make the grain a little more visible through the stain and to give it some dimension. When you put heat to the wood, it distorts the wood slightly. This is why there are small gaps in some of the joints. These are the types of “flaws” I referred to earlier. I am my harshest critic, as the saying goes. We will not send you an item that does not meet our high standards of quality.
As a military retiree (Army, 13F4X), my wife and I are proud supporters of the Military, disabled Veterans, and the families of those who made the ultimate sacrifice. We have chosen to donate 25% of all net profits to Gold Star Teen Adventures. We chose this program for one reason, to help the children of the HEROES who gave their lives while serving in the Military. For more information on this program, please click here. If you chose to donate without making a purchase, please click here